Shipping & Delivery

Shipping time & cost per country


Shipping Time Cost
Bike 1-2 Business Days Free Shipping
Non-Bike 1 Business Day

€11 for parcels up to 3kg.
€23 for parcels of more than 3kg.


Shipping Time Cost
Bike 1-3 Business Days Free Shipping
Non-Bike 1 Business Day

€10 for parcels up to 3kg.
€23 for parcels of more than 3kg.


Shipping Time Cost
Bike 1-2 Business Days Free Shipping
Non-Bike 1 Business Day

€10 for parcels up to 3kg.
€23 for parcels of more than 3kg.


Shipping Time Cost
Bike 2-3 Business Days Free Shipping
Non-Bike 2 Business Days

€18 for parcels up to 3kg.
€30 for parcels of more than 3kg.


Shipping Time Cost
Bike 2-4 Business Days Free Shipping
Non-Bike 2-3 Business Days

€18 for parcels up to 3kg.
€30 for parcels of more than 3kg.


Shipping Time Cost
Bike 2-4 Business Days Free Shipping
Non-Bike 2-3 Business Days

€30 for parcels up to 3kg.
€47 for parcels of more than 3kg.


Shipping Time Cost
Bike 3-7 Business Days Free Shipping
Non-Bike 2-3 Business Days

€30 for parcels up to 3kg.
€47 for parcels of more than 3kg.